If you make learning a lifelong habit, it can pay you back in spades in your real estate investments. To become an expert in real estate investing (and make a lot of money in the process), you should be reading the best real estate investing books and blogs on a daily basis.
They say it takes 10,000 hours or 10 years to become an expert. Well, if you can learn from others who already are experts, it really helps you speed up the process of becoming an expert yourself.
We all know that experience is life’s greatest teacher, but it sure doesn’t hurt to learn from other people’s past mistakes and lessons learned. You can avoid major pitfalls in your investing career and leverage other people’s knowledge to maximize your success.
With thousands of real estate investing books though, which ones should you spend your precious time reading? Which real estate investing books are a must read and which ones are a waste of time?
We compiled a list of our favorite real estate investing books, as shown below. With this list, you can cut through the fluff and get right to the meaty books, chock-full of actionable real estate investing advice. There are probably many more great books we didn’t include, but the following are some of the best real estate investing books we’ve come across:
The following real estate investing books are highly recommended if you only have time to read a few. These are our favorite real estate investing books of all time!
Most of the readers of our property management blog are interested in a buy and hold real estate investing strategy, and the following are our favorite real estate books for rentals.
However, if you are interested in other types of real estate investing, such as flipping or commercial real estate, see below. We give book recommendations on other types of real estate investing below as well.
The following two books are repeats from the list above – but for good reason. If you are involved with rental property investing, these two rental property investing books are a must!
You may find yourself re-reading these several times because they are both very comprehensive. Get ready to take some notes. Better yet, check out the audio book versions of these books, so you can listen to them over and over!
Any real estate investor will have to make an important decision in their business: whether to hire a property management company or do it on their own. In the beginning, some real estate investors find themselves stuck doing all the time-consuming tasks of managing a rental property – which is fine in the beginning.
However, after a certain point, many decide to hand off the rental duties to a property manager. Managing properties may be doable with 1 rental, but it becomes increasingly difficult when you start to have 2-3+ properties. When you reach this threshold, you should be delegating things so you can work on your business and not in it. When you delegate tasks such as the day to day management, it frees up your time to focus on growing your rental property portfolio.
Regardless, if you haven’t consulted the help of a property management company, just be ready to invest a chunk of time in creating systems and preparing yourself for success. You should spend as much time as possible learning about being a landlord to maximize your success in rental real estate investing.
There is really a lot that goes into managing a rental, so it helps to be prepared. Reading books on landlording or property management can go a long way in ensuring your success as a real estate investor.
You will learn the ins and outs of managing rentals with the following books:
Learning about finance (especially cash flow), as it relates to real estate investing, can make the difference between small wins and massive success. Learning finance and cash flow in your real estate investing business is critical.
Though there aren’t a lot of books on the subject, there are many other finance books you can learn from. But if you want to learn about finance and cash flow as it specifically relates to real estate investing, here are a couple great books:
If residential real estate investing isn’t your thing, check out these fantastic books on making money with commercial real estate. Both of these books offer a lot of great insights on the business of commercial real estate investing.
It seems like hardly anyone has time to read these days. That’s why we, here at Prime Property Group, Inc., love audio books. We are a property management company in Oakland CA, so the traffic can get pretty bad here.
Many of us enjoy listening to audio books to pass the time during peak traffic hours. You can learn a lot listening to audio books while driving; what better way to leverage your time than listening to real estate investing audio books on the way to visiting new properties to invest in!
There are many online marketplaces you can find real estate investing books in an audio book format. Many people find Audible a good experience since it has an app and is connected to your Amazon account (Amazon owns Audible). Here are some of our favorite audio books on real estate investing on Audible:
Real estate investing audio books